Tuesday Tip: iPhone’s New NameDrop

three friends using their cellphones while spending time together in the cityWe regularly encourage you to install updates since many of them include patches to protect against common scams. And while that still rings true, there is a new setting that comes with the recent iPhone iOS 17 update that you need to understand.

What is NameDrop?

To make information sharing as easy as possible, iPhone developed NameDrop. This feature allows iPhone users to send and receive contact information with other Apple devices, like iPhones and watches, including your phone number, email address, home address, work address, birthday, a picture of your face, and more.

How does NameDrop work?

Simply hold your phone’s screen close to the top of another person’s iPhone, at which point both devices will vibrate to let you know they are connected. A NameDrop prompt will appear on both phone screens, allowing both users to choose if they want to share data. Apple allows you to determine what contact information you prefer to share, which you can read more about on its website.

Is it Dangerous?

The jury is out. Quite a few police departments have issues warnings about the feature, and a widely-viewed TikTok video claims that your information can be easily stolen in public places. Others claim it is perfectly safe, referring to the fact that both parties must approve the data transfer and that it basically uses the same technology as AirDrop. Most of the online chatter recommends parents consider turning off this feature on their children’s phones just to be safe.

How Do You Turn NameDrop Off?

You can decide what you want to do but know that this feature is defaulted to “on” on any phone that installed the update. If you want to turn it off, go to Settings, click General, click AirDropclick Bringing Devices Togetherthen toggle to Off

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