Nobody cares about backups...everybody cares about recoveries

That’s why we do a test restore on several files for every client, every month.

Protecting our client’s data is our most important priority at Network 1. We offer three options for backup & recovery services: file-based, image-based and Microsoft Office 365. Each service is automated and fully monitored so we can find/fix any issues.

1-Vault Nsure

Image-based off-site server backups with an optional on-site appliance for quicker restores. Monthly test restores and unlimited file restores are included.


1-VAULT NSURE DR with the on-site appliance standard, plus an off-site disaster recovery site included for servers.

1-Vault Workstation

File- or image-based off-site workstation backups with an optional on-site appliance for quicker restores.

1-Vault O365

Backup and recovery for your entire O365 environment, including emails, Teams, and OneDrive. Restores quickly plus protects from accidental or malicious deletions and changes Microsoft periodically makes to their retention policy.

Disaster Recovery Test

Are you ready for a disaster? Have you tested your environment? Even though we test restore several files every month, a full off-site disaster recovery (DR) test of your server infrastructure is strongly recommended. Network 1 provides a fixed price DR test for our 1-Vault Veeam clients that delivers DR test results and recommendations.


We would love to discuss how we can put all the necessary systems in place to ensure your data is properly backed up and easy to recover.