Security training for your team

According to Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report, 74% of data breaches involved the human element, which includes errors, misuse and social engineering attacks. In fact, preventable mistakes are responsible for a large percentage of breaches, and a majority of those could have been avoided with better employee training. The changing landscape of threats and vulnerabilities means that once a year training is no longer sufficient.

Network 1 offers two complementary ways to decrease the biggest cyber security risk in your organization: your people.

  • 1-Guard Security Suite Increased Awareness: monthly phishing attacks and online training by the leader in this industry. Learn more here.
  • Onsite (or live via Teams or Zoom) Tailored Training: we utilize your written policies and tailor education and training that fits your needs, culture, calendar and budget.

We would love to discuss how our advanced security training can help your business keep its assets and data safe.