Tuesday Tip: Let’s Make Your Google Results More Accurate

Have you searched Google for something very specific, only to find all the results are less specific than you’d like? Google tries to be helpful by searching for words that are similar to the ones you specified, but they may try to help advertisers by funneling you towards things advertisers want to sell you. I’ll…

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Tuesday Tip: The Splitwise App Makes Splitting Bills A Breeze

  Do you struggle to split a bill at a restaurant when you’re with a group of friends? Have trouble dividing utility bills among roommates? Use Splitwise! Splitwise is a popular app designed to simplify the process of splitting bills and shared expenses. Splitwise lets you create an event, then add all the individual users…

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Tuesday Tip: Quickly Delete Your Gmail Emails

Digital image of an email going in an open garbage can with the lid up

Have you gotten WAY behind deleting emails from your Gmail account? Would you like to delete more than the “allowed” 50 emails at a time? Here’s a way to easily delete hundreds of emails at one time: In the search bar type in a category (ex: “Facebook” or “Target”). Now click select all in the…

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Tuesday Tip: Snooze Your Emails!

Outlook Icon

Have you ever received an email you know is important, but can’t devote time to at the moment? If you’d like to deal with it later, you can “snooze the email” which makes it disappear and then reappear at the top of your inbox at the date and time you choose. To do this, you’ll…

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Tuesday Tip: What is a Wallet Tracker?

Have you ever heard of a wallet tracker? I hadn’t until I heard someone talking about it while trying to locate their wallet. A wallet tracker works by connecting to your phone through a companion app. You use the app to make your wallet finder ring or to check the last known location of your…

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Tuesday Tip: Facebook’s Concerning Lack of Privacy

Facebook has made clear it does not care about its end user’s privacy concerns, all while making claims that user privacy is important and respected by the company. Facebook also owns the messaging app WhatsApp. WhatsApp is a free app Facebook purchased in 2014 for 22 billion dollars. Facebook makes money by collecting data from…

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Tuesday Tip: Free Up Space on Your Laptop or PC

There are times when our computers start to run slowly as we run out of storage space. We think the solution is restarting the computer or deleting our files. However, we  forget old applications or programs that not only take up space but also run in the “background” and cause the computer to slow. Luckily,…

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