Tuesday Tip: Turn off the “Weather Thing” on your Windows task bar

In Windows 10, Microsoft thought it would be a nice idea to give you a little widget on your taskbar that shows you the current weather. When you click it, it opens up a larger window that then shows news and links to other things it believes you are interested in.

If yours is active, you’ll see something like this in the bottom right of your screen on the taskbar.

Personally, I find it to be surplus to requirements on my desktop, so if you want to get rid of it, here’s what you do:

  1. Right click on your taskbar.
  2. Select News and Interests.
  3. Click Turn off.

No more annoying weather thing.

Richard Stokes: As the Director of Sales for Network 1, Richard identifies “future” clients that can benefit from the support of an experienced, outsourced IT team. He helps clients and prospects find technology solutions they need to achieve better productivity and efficiency so they can focus on making money and growing their businesses.

Network 1 designs, builds and supports the IT you need to run your business more securely, productively and successfully. Whether you want to outsource all of your IT needs to a reliable, responsive, service-oriented company, or need to supplement the work of your internal IT staff, we will carefully evaluate where you are now, discuss where you want to go and implement and support a plan to get you there with as little interruption as possible.

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