Tuesday Tip: Safeguard Your Privacy by Managing Your Amazon Data

Amazon Prime website with "Manage your data" section highlighted. As an Amazon shopper, it’s crucial to be aware of the extensive information Amazon collects about you and shares with third-party apps and websites. This guide will help you discover which sites have access to your data, what information they possess, and most importantly, how to remove it.

How to review and remove third-party access:

  • Log into your Amazon.com account and scroll to manage your data
  • Select manage apps & services with data access
    • Find the list of all apps and websites with access to your information and use the remove option.

To request your Amazon data:

  • Return to your Amazon account homepage and scroll to request your data.
  • Select data category.
    • Review each category.
    • Pay special attention to the Alexa and Echo Devices category, which includes all recordings, text transcripts, and timestamps of your Alexa commands.
  • Scroll to the bottom and choose request all your data.
  • Amazon will send a confirmation email to complete the process.

By following these steps, you’ll gain better control over your personal information and enhance your online privacy. Stay informed and proactive about managing your digital footprint.

Hope Friedman: Every office needs that person who keeps things running, knows where everything is, and arranges weekly lunches and team meetings. At Network 1, that person is Hope.

Network 1 designs, builds and supports the IT you need to run your business more securely, productively and successfully. Whether you want to outsource all of your IT needs to a reliable, responsive, service-oriented company, or need to supplement the work of your internal IT staff, we will carefully evaluate where you are now, discuss where you want to go and implement and support a plan to get you there with as little interruption as possible.

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