Tuesday Tip: Staying Safe in Messenger

Apple iPhone Xs with Facebook messenger app from app store.Security is important to just about everything we do. Some take it more seriously than others, and at times, it does make things more difficult. But we all want to be protected in the end.

Facebook and other social media platforms are perfect sites for hackers and scammers to try and do their damage. This is particularly true for Facebook Messenger.

Today, my godmother sent me a Facebook message with this strange link, which, of course, I did not click. I immediately sent her a message on her profile asking if she sent it, and not surprisingly, she did not.

Facebook has recognized the dangers that can occur in Messenger, and they have created a resource to help you determine if a message is legit or a scam. Called Privacy and Safety Hub, it includes valuable information on how you can keep your account safe. The homepage provides information on the threats you might encounter and links to search for the best ways to protect yourself from them.

I had no idea this existed. Take the time to visit the site and keep yourself informed.

Kristen Evangelista Headshot

Kristen Todd: In her role as Client Manager II with Network 1, Kristen is the liaison and main point of contact for clients in both the medical and financial professions. She is skilled at listening to her clients’ needs and acting as a liaison between them and the field engineers and support team.

Network 1 designs, builds and supports the IT you need to run your business more securely, productively and successfully. Whether you want to outsource all of your IT needs to a reliable, responsive, service-oriented company, or need to supplement the work of your internal IT staff, we will carefully evaluate where you are now, discuss where you want to go and implement and support a plan to get you there with as little interruption as possible.

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