Tuesday Tip: Meet Cortana

By: Justin Culver

Are you using Cortana? Cortana is Microsoft’s online virtual assistant like Amazon’s famous Alexa.  A lot of people are getting more and more use out of interacting with AI Technology. 10 years ago, anyone that talked about using “AI” would be looked at with some uncertainty.

Today, using a Virtual Assistant is on the rise. 1 click is all it takes, or no clicks by just saying “Hey Cortana” to make something happen.

Do you need to adjust a Bluetooth setting or find a file in your endless layers of sub-folders? Click the Cortana icon on the left side of the taskbar and fire away your request.  Its already set up for you to use, its built in your Windows 10 platform !

To get the most out of Cortana, you will need to log into a Microsoft account. Doing this enables the coolest features Cortana offers. One of these features includes sending SMS messages from your computer, utilizing your phone number.  There is a Cortana app you can download to your iOS or Android device.  Its not hard to open a calculator for some quick math sanity checks but asking Cortana can give you your answer a lot faster than finding the calculator and typing in your equation. “Hey Cortana, what’s $562.12 x 3”? A lightning fast answer is provided, and you are on to your next thought.

Joe from down the hall walks past and uses some super elaborate word like “elucidate” to sound intellectual, but you are not quite sure what it meant or if it was even a real word. Do

not worry, just ask your girl Cortana. She’s got your back and will even help you come up with a better word to top Joe with her quick thesaurus skills.  “Hey Cortana, what does Elucidate mean”?

The list goes on and on for Cortana’s capabilities. Other popular commands are getting movie

times at your local theater, check your weather forecast, see what is on your calendar for tomorrow. Life is busy, why not let Cortana make things a little more effortless for you.

To get to Cortana’s settings, click the Cortana icon on the lower left side of your task bar and then click settings. It will bring you to this page. You can enable the “Hey Cortana” option to make it even easier. There is also a keyboard shortcut you can activate for quick access to gain answers to all your questions about the universe. No really, just ask and you will see.










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Justin Culver: As a Dispatch Supervisor, Justin is responsible for both remote and onsite repairs, upgrades, and installation of systems, components, equipment and software for clients. He also handles procurement and buildouts as well as onboarding for new employees.

Network 1 designs, builds and supports the IT you need to run your business more securely, productively and successfully. Whether you want to outsource all of your IT needs to a reliable, responsive, service-oriented company, or need to supplement the work of your internal IT staff, we will carefully evaluate where you are now, discuss where you want to go and implement and support a plan to get you there with as little interruption as possible.

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