Tuesday Tip: Comcast Still Stinks

by David Gracey It has been several years since I have griped about Comcast so I figure it is long overdue. I have somehow managed to lull myself into a sense of calm with our home Comcast service, or maybe it’s just that Comcast hasn’t done anything in a while to ruffle my feathers and…

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Technology Converts Time into Money for your Law Firm

It is evident that in today’s world integrating technology into your business to improve efficiency is immensely important. Law firms can leverage technology to implement new processes and serve clients more effectively. Implementing technology into your law firm will convert time into money. Technology is the driving force behind efficiencies in business processes. According to Schwab’s 2010…

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Tuesday Tip: Lost Your iPhone? Can’t Find Your Spouse?

by Richard Stokes I once heard someone say that despite what you might think, people aren’t looking for a single device that does everything.  Rather they’re using multiple devices and choosing the one that best fits the setting.  For example, in a doctor’s office you wouldn’t find a physician using his/her iPhone to take notes…

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Tuesday Tip: XP Sunset – Less Than 1 Year Away

by Tony Rushin Microsoft’s incredibly popular, and stable, operating system – Windows XP – is less than one year away from its sunset date of April 8, 2014.  For good measure, Microsoft is also ending support for Office 2003 on that same date.  After that time Microsoft will no longer provide security patches or other…

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Tuesday Tip: Excel Conditional Formatting

by David Gracey This tip is for fellow Excel nerds out there. It will probably be old news for you financial advisors and other folks who work daily with Excel. Regardless of whether you have heard of “Conditional Formatting” or not, this tip is for you.  As sad as this sounds, much of my life centers…

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Tuesday Tip: Listen Any Good Books Lately?

by Tony Rushin Yes, I know my grammar is wrong.  Why do we ask:  “Read any good books lately?” but by contrast ask, “Listen to any good books lately?”    My suspicion is that reading is viewed as an active action where the reader is in control while listening is more passive and is something done…

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